19 steps skin & body studio



Step into the world of cutting-edge laser technology, where you can achieve flawless skin and a rejuvenated appearance. Our laser treatments provide targeted solutions for a variety of concerns such as skin rejuvenation, pigment removal, hair removal, and acne treatment. Trust our skilled team to help you unveil your best complexion with minimal discomfort and downtime. You deserve the confidence that comes with radiant, healthy skin.



Laser hair removal is a popular and effective method of reducing unwanted body hair by targeting the hair follicles with a concentrated beam of light. Choosing the right provider is crucial for safe and successful treatments. At 19 Steps Skin and Body Studio, we offer state-of-the-art laser hair removal services to help clients achieve smooth, hair-free skin.





    includes between the cheeks









    includes underarms







    includes bikini line



    includes elbows



    includes knees
















    includes underarms











    can include elbows



    includes knees









    The Clarity 2 laser hair removal treatment involves applying a focused laser beam to the hair follicle, where it is absorbed by the melanin within. This process damages the follicle, inhibiting hair growth and eventually leading to permanent hair reduction.

    Benefits of using Lutronic Clarity II Laser Machine

    The Lutronic Clarity II Laser Machine offers many benefits over traditional hair removal methods, including faster treatment times, increased comfort, and more consistent results. Its advanced technology ensures effective treatments for all skin types with minimal downtime.

    Comparison with traditional hair removal methods

    Compared to traditional methods like shaving and waxing, laser hair removal provides longer-lasting results, less skin irritation, and a smoother appearance. It is a more efficient solution for those seeking a permanent reduction in unwanted hair.


    Time in Office:

    Laser hair removal appointments at our studio can range from 5 to 50 minutes, depending on the size and location of the treatment area.

    Recovery Time:

    There is no significant recovery time associated with laser hair removal, allowing clients to return to their daily activities immediately after treatment.

    Results Last:

    After completing a full series of treatments, clients can expect to enjoy smooth, hair-free skin for many years, making laser hair removal a long-lasting solution.

    Number of Treatments Required:

    Typically, clients will require between 3 to 6 treatments, spaced 4-8 weeks apart, to achieve optimal hair reduction results. The exact number of sessions needed may vary based on individual factors such as hair growth cycles and skin type.


    • Clean and shave treatment area within 24 hours prior to treatment
    • Avoid tanning two weeks before treatment
    • Discontinue self-tanning products one week before treatment
    • Do not undergo treatment if using Accutane or similar products within the last six months
    • Inform practitioner of light-sensitive medications
    • Avoid pregnancy or lactation
    • Refrain from electrolysis, bleaching, plucking, or waxing four weeks before treatment
    • Discontinue irritating topical products seven days before treatment
    • Avoid other esthetic procedures or cosmetic injections two weeks prior and post-treatment
    • Do not treat tattooed skin


    • Ensure clean and dry skin
    • Remove lotions, perfumes, makeup, or deodorant with gentle soap and water
    • Update practitioner on any changes in medication or health status
    • Use a high-quality razor for a close shave

    • Expect mild redness, swelling, or warm sensation lasting up to 2-3 days
    • Avoid hot showers, saunas, jacuzzis, and workouts for 24 hours
    • Anticipate a 20% reduction in hair growth 4-8 weeks after treatment
    • Avoid irritating, picking, or scratching treated skin
    • Do not use other hair removal methods for 4-6 weeks post-treatment
    • Protect skin from sun exposure with SPF 30-plus sunscreen
    • Use powder instead of deodorant for 24 hours after underarm treatment
    • Bathe gently for the first 24 hours, as if treating sunburned skin
    • Resume regular skincare regimen once irritation resolves
    • Return for follow-up treatments every 4 weeks for facial hair and 6 weeks for other body areas

    Ideal candidates for laser hair removal must be in good health, have no cuts or damaged skin on the treated area, and have realistic expectations. Both men and women of all skin types can benefit from this treatment to eliminate undesirable hair in one or more of the following areas:

    • Face
    • Neck
    • Chest
    • Arms
    • Underarms
    • Legs
    • Back
    • Bikini area

    Before you come in for your treatment, be sure to shave the treated area you wish to address. During your procedure, the Clarity II will reduce unwanted hair by targeting and destroying the follicle at the root, thus leaving the surrounding skin and tissue unharmed. This will safely and effectively reduce hair growth on all skin types in multiple areas.


Laser skin rejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment that aims to improve the appearance of the skin by stimulating collagen production and promoting skin cell renewal. This process results in a more youthful, and revitalized complexion.


    The Clarity II laser system penetrates the outer layer of the skin without causing any heat damage or injury. Once the light energy reaches the dermis, it instantly converts to heat energy, gently warming the skin and stimulating collagen production and skin cell renewal.

    This heating stimulates a “wound response” from the body, triggering new collagen production to heal the perceived wound. It also begins a process of skin remodeling where new skin cells are created. Both processes lead to younger-looking, rejuvenated skin.


    Non-invasive and no downtime

    Clarity II laser skin rejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment, meaning it does not require surgery or incisions. As a result, clients can enjoy a comfortable experience with minimal to no downtime, allowing them to return to their daily activities quickly after the procedure.

    Quick, lunchtime procedure

    The Clarity II treatment is designed to be efficient, with sessions typically lasting only 20-30 minutes. This makes it an ideal option for those looking to fit a rejuvenating treatment into their busy schedules, even during a lunch break.

    Suitable for all skin types

    One of the key benefits of the Clarity II laser skin rejuvenation treatment is its versatility, making it suitable for all skin types. Regardless of your skin tone or texture, this advanced treatment can effectively help improve the overall appearance of your skin.

    Improves skin tone and texture

    By stimulating collagen production and skin cell renewal, the Clarity II treatment works to enhance the skin's tone and texture. This results in a more even, smoother complexion and a refreshed, youthful appearance.

    Reliable and long-term results

    Clients can expect reliable and long-lasting improvements in their skin's appearance after undergoing Clarity II laser skin rejuvenation treatments. The body continues to produce new collagen as a result of the treatment for up to six months, ensuring lasting benefits that leave you looking and feeling your best.


    Starting Cost:


    Time in office

    Our Clarity II laser skin treatments are quick and painless. The procedure takes just 20-30 minutes, making it a perfect lunchtime procedure. You can return directly to work or your other normal activities immediately after your session.

    Recovery time

    Minimal time. This procedure doesn’t harm the epidermis at all. There is no bruising or skin damage. You can return to work or other normal activities immediately after your session. Treatment areas may have some initial redness, but this passes very quickly.

    Results last

    The effects of Clarity II laser skin rejuvenation treatment can last for several months, with visible improvements in skin texture and appearance.

    Number of Treatments required

    We recommend an initial group of 4-6 treatments, each separated by one month. From there, a single treatment every six months stimulates the body to keep adding new collagen to replace what you’re losing.

    When are results visible?

    Clarity II laser skin tightening results build with time. While there is an initial refreshed appearance to your skin after your session, your results really begin to show as the body builds new collagen and skin cells over the next few weeks and months. The body can continue to produce new collagen as a result of your skin tightening procedure for up to six months.


    • Patients who have used Accutane or similar products within the last 6 months CANNOT be treated.
    • Stop using drying or irritating topical products (e.g., AHAs, BHAs, retinoids) 3-7 days before treatment
    • Refrain from anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) at least 3 days prior
    • Don't take blood-thinning agents 3-7 days before unless prescribed by a doctor
    • Protect your skin from sun exposure and tanning 2 weeks prior, using SPF 30 or higher sunscreen
    • Skip other aesthetic procedures and cosmetic injections in the treatment area 2 weeks before and after
    • Take antiviral medication 7 days before and after if prone to cold sores
    • Stay hydrated by drinking 8+ glasses of water daily for improved results and healing


    • Avoid active ingredient products (retinols, AHAs, BHAs) for a few days post-treatment
    • Apply cold compresses for skin warmth after the procedure
    • Protect your skin from sunlight and tanning beds between treatments, using SPF 30 sunscreen
    • Keep skin hydrated by drinking 8 cups of water per day be


Laser acne treatments are a gentle and effective way to combat active acne, reduce inflammation, and minimize sebum production. These treatments utilize advanced laser technology to target acne-causing bacteria, leading to clearer and healthier skin.


    Starting Cost

    Affordable and effective, the starting cost for laser acne treatments at 19 Steps Skin and Body Studio is $150 per session.

    Time in Office

    Each laser acne treatment session at 19 Steps Skin and Body Studio takes approximately 30 minutes, allowing for a quick and efficient procedure.

    Recovery Time

    With minimal downtime, clients can resume their daily activities shortly after treatment, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

    Results Last

    The longevity of laser acne treatment results varies from person to person, as factors such as lifestyle, skincare routine, and overall skin health contribute to the outcome.

    Number of Treatments Required

    The number of required treatments will be determined after 6 weeks, as our skilled professionals assess each individual's progress and needs to provide optimal results.

    Device used

     Lutronic Clarity II Laser Machine


    Laser acne treatments work by using specific wavelengths of light to target and destroy acne-causing bacteria, as well as reduce inflammation and sebum production in the skin. The laser energy penetrates the skin's surface, breaking down the bacteria and stimulating the body's natural healing process. 

    This leads to a decrease in active acne, redness, and overall improvement in skin texture and appearance. Additionally, laser treatments can promote collagen production, which helps to minimize the appearance of acne scars and improve overall skin health. The result is clearer, smoother, and more radiant skin over time.


    • Effective acne reduction: Laser acne treatments target acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation, leading to a significant decrease in active acne and breakouts.
    • Minimal downtime: Unlike invasive procedures or treatments that may require an extended recovery period, laser acne treatments have minimal downtime, allowing clients to return to their daily activities quickly.
    • Improved skin texture: Laser acne treatments not only combat active acne but also help to improve overall skin texture by stimulating collagen production, reducing pore size, and smoothing out rough or uneven areas.
    • Reduced scarring: The precision of laser technology allows for targeted treatment of acne without damaging surrounding healthy skin, reducing the risk of scarring and promoting faster healing.
    • Long-lasting results: When combined with a proper skincare routine and regular maintenance treatments, laser acne treatments provide long-lasting results for clearer, healthier skin.

    • Refrain from sun exposure and self-tanning products for two weeks before treatment to ensure tanned skin is not treated.
    • Be mindful that permanent makeup and tattoos cannot undergo treatment.
    • Discontinue using retinol, glycolic, and salicylic acids in your skincare routine for two weeks before treatment.
    • Notify our team about any new medications or antibiotics that may increase light sensitivity.

    • Protect your skin by avoiding sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 24 hours, and apply daily sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
    • Steer clear of retinols, glycolic, and salicylic acids for two weeks after treatment.
    • Expect localized redness that generally fades within 24-48 hours.
    • Maintain cleanliness by washing your face twice daily with an antibacterial cleanser.
    • Keep pillowcases fresh by changing them several times per week.
    • Regularly wash or dry hats, caps, and toques on high heat to eliminate bacteria.


At 19 Steps Skin and Body Studio, we can perform Clarity II treatments to address damaged tissue and remove blemishes from affected areas. This innovative device has helped clients see dramatic improvements to their skin tone and texture. Drawing on clinically proven technology, Clarity II allows those suffering from aesthetic skin problems to achieve a smoother texture, even skin tone and healthier, more radiant skin.


    Starting Cost: 

    Clients can begin their journey towards clearer, more even skin with Laser Pigment Removal treatments starting at $250 for first 15 minutes.

    Time in office: 

    Laser Pigment Removal treatments typically take between 15 to 40 minutes, allowing for a convenient and efficient session.

    Recovery time: 

    Following the treatment, clients can expect a recovery time of up to three weeks as their skin heals and rejuvenates.

    Results last: 

    With proper care and maintenance, the results of Laser Pigment Removal can be permanent, providing long-lasting improvements in skin appearance.

    Number of Treatments required

    The number of required treatments will be determined on an individual basis, depending on the specific pigmented lesion and skin condition.

    We generally recommend a series of two to six treatments spaced four to six weeks apart. This will vary depending on the individual needs and skin type of each patient, so we will work with you to determine the frequency and number of sessions required to achieve your desired results. While you may see slight improvements after your initial treatment, the best results will accumulate after at least three sessions, as each pigment correction procedure will result in a gradual lightening of the target area.


    Pigmentation is often the result of chronic sun exposure or age. When left untreated, these conditions can leave unsightly marks on the skin and can adversely affect your confidence and self-esteem. Clarity 2 is a highly developed new solution designed to reduce the appearance of pigmentation and correct uneven skin and complexions.

    Laser Pigment Removal works by utilizing advanced laser technology, specifically the Clarity II device, to target and break down the melanin in pigmented lesions without damaging the surrounding skin. The device emits controlled energy that penetrates deep into the skin tissue, selectively targeting the pigmented areas. 

    As the laser energy is absorbed by the melanin, it breaks down the pigment, allowing the body's natural healing process to gradually remove the treated pigmentation. The surrounding skin remains unaffected, resulting in minimal discomfort and downtime for the client. Over a series of treatments, this process leads to a significant reduction in visible pigmentation, resulting in a clearer, more even complexion.


    • Improved Skin Appearance: Laser Pigment Removal effectively treats pigmentation, sunspots, and other skin discolorations, resulting in a clearer and more even complexion that boosts overall confidence in one's skin.
    • Minimized Discomfort and Downtime: The advanced Clarity II technology used in Laser Pigment Removal ensures minimal discomfort during the procedure and less downtime compared to traditional methods, allowing clients to return to their daily activities more quickly.
    • Targeted and Precise Treatment: The laser energy emitted by the Clarity II device selectively targets melanin in pigmented skin without damaging the surrounding areas, ensuring a safe and precise treatment for various skin concerns.
    • Long-lasting Results: With proper care and maintenance, the results of Laser Pigment Removal can be permanent, providing long-lasting improvements in skin appearance and reducing the need for frequent treatments.
    • Versatility: Laser Pigment Removal is suitable for a wide range of skin issues, such as sun and age spots, freckles, sun-damaged skin, and discoloration. This versatility ensures that clients with various skin concerns can benefit from this innovative treatment.

    • Stay out of direct sunlight and avoid tanning beds for 14 days before treatment
    • Apply broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every 2 hours when in sunlight
    • Expect temporary bruising, redness, and swelling; these will subside over time
    • Begin antiviral therapy 2 days prior to treatment if prone to cold sores
    • Refrain from using Accutane for at least one year before treatment

    • Limit sun exposure to prevent skin color changes
    • Use broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every 2 hours when exposed to sunlight
    • Expect the treated pigment area to darken within 24-48 hours; avoid picking at these areas
    • Abstain from exfoliating treatments for 1-2 weeks, including scrubs, Clarisonics, and topical medications
    • Avoid heat sources, such as hot tubs and saunas, for 1-2 days after treatment
    • Apply cold compresses or ice packs to alleviate discomfort if necessary

    Pigment Correction laser facials have been praised for its ability to transform damaged or blemished skin into a smooth and even-toned complexion. The following conditions can be treated:

    • Sun and age spots
    • Freckles
    • Facial redness
    • Hemangiomas
    • Pigmentation
    • Sun-damaged skin
    • Discoloration

    The pigment correction procedure:

    We will begin by evaluating your skin to determine the most suitable approach to treatment. Once your condition, concerns, and skin sensitivity have been identified, we will cleanse your skin and place goggles over your eyes to protect the area during treatment.

laser device


  • Why Do I Need More Than One Laser Hair Removal treatment?

    Human hair has three different growth phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transitional phase between growth and rest), and telogen (resting). For laser hair removal to be effective, hair must be in the anagen phase. That’s why repeated hair removal sessions are needed to catch more hair in the growth phase. Laser energy has little effect on follicles in the transitional or resting phases, as the hair is already on the way out and not fully engaged in the follicle.

  • How does the treatment feel?

    Most patients experience a mild “snapping” on the skin as the laser is moved over the treatment area. Clarity has a specialized skin-cooling system that provides a more comfortable treatment.

  • Are there any side effects or risks associated with laser treatments?

    While laser treatments are generally safe, some potential side effects may include redness, swelling, and temporary discomfort in the treated area. These side effects are typically mild and resolve within a few hours to a few days. Our skilled professionals will discuss any potential risks with you prior to your treatment and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and effective session.

  • Are laser treatments safe for all skin types?

    Most laser treatments are safe for various skin types; however, the suitability depends on the specific treatment and individual's skin condition. Our trained professionals will assess your skin and recommend the most appropriate laser treatment based on your skin type and concern.

  • What can I expect during a laser treatment session?

     During a laser treatment session, you will be provided with protective eyewear and made comfortable in the treatment room. Our professional will apply a cooling gel or device to the treatment area to minimize discomfort. You may experience a sensation similar to a rubber band snapping against your skin during the procedure. Depending on the treatment, sessions typically last between 15 minutes to an hour.


Embark on a journey to flawless skin with our diverse range of advanced treatments, designed to address your unique concerns. Our skilled professionals provide tailored solutions for exceptional results and rejuvenated beauty.

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